You'll have access, via our back gate, from 8.30am. This gate will remain open until 10am, then no more setup times are available from then on. You may begin to start packing up from 2.30pm onwards.
The event runs from 10.30am, until 2pm.
We don't provide any marquees, however, highly encourage you to bring your own. Regardless of the weather, it's Melbourne, you will need it as there is no protection from sun.
This is a completely free event for any business who wants to advertise their business. No charge at all.
A sitemap will be available on the day of the event.
To get the word out there, amongst the community, we encourage people to post to their own social media. Using the below, you can use this as a framework to post on your wall:
Here is the image that you can use for the event as well.
Examples of how we used it internally as below: