66 Starling Road, Officer, Victoria, 3809
Heritage College



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You can enrol online


Heritage College

Enrolment applications are to be submitted via the online enrolment portal.

For families that would like to speak with Admissions staff directly, please phone reception on (03) 9796 0100 or email enrolments@heritagecollege.vic.edu.au.


1. Enquire

Please phone (03) 9796 0100, or email us at enrolments@heritagecollege.vic.edu.au, to organise a tour of the college and discuss availability for your child’s year level.

2. Apply

Complete an online application for admission, including the required documents. A $250 per family, non-refundable application fee completes this process.

3. Wait

Our admissions department will confirm receipt of your application and your child will be placed on our waitlist. Please understand that waitlist preferences may be given to siblings of current students, ELC students or children of alumni.

4. Interview

Depending on the year of entry, your child’s placement on the waitlist and the availability of a place, you will be contacted to arrange an interview with yourself and your child. Before this interview, we ask you to submit your child’s most recent school reports, NAPLAN results and any other relevant reports.

5. Offer

Following your family’s interview, the college may offer a place to your child. At this stage we will ask for your acceptance of confirmation, the return of completed paperwork, and payment of a $750 commitment fee which is due within two weeks of the offer being made. This will be credited against fees for the second term following enrolment.

6. Confirm

Once your paperwork has been returned, and the fee has been received, our admissions department will let you know that your child’s enrolment has been confirmed. Congratulations!

7. Welcome

We will send details of everything you need to know about joining our college community with plenty of time before your child begins at Heritage College. Throughout the entire enrolment process, our admissions department is here to help.

Publications and policies

View the policies which govern school life at Heritage College.

Publications and Policies