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Reuben Sleight

As we continue with our ‘Heritage Spotlight’ feature, we are thrilled to introduce Mr. Reuben Sleight, our dedicated Physical Education teacher at Heritage College.

Personal Journey

Hi, my name is Reuben Sleight, but you can call me Mr. Sleight. I’ve been teaching PE at Heritage College for the past several years. Being an active person both in and out of work, sports and running play a huge role in my life, and I love pushing my limits and challenging myself.

Recently, I achieved a significant milestone by completing my first 100km ultra-marathon at Wilson’s Prom. A few years ago, I rediscovered my passion for running, which had been dormant since my high school days, and started training again. I began with small 5km park runs, then progressed to half and full marathons. Naturally, the next step was tackling ultra-marathons, and a 100km race was at the top of my list. After months of gruelling, dark, and cold training mornings, I finally conquered the 100km challenge and was fortunate enough to place 2nd. A bonus was being able to immerse myself in some of the most stunning landscapes and natural beauty that Australia has to offer at Wilson’s Prom.

Passion for Running

My inspiration for this run came from a desire to push myself to the limit and see what I can accomplish physically while I still have the opportunity. Running is a bit addictive like that—you complete a race, and while the last thing you want to do at that moment is run another torturous race, it doesn’t take long before you get that itch to challenge yourself again.

Looking ahead, my next project is the Gold Coast marathon in July, where I’m aiming to achieve a personal best time.

Spiritual Connection

My faith plays a significant role in my work and achievements. I believe God has given us all talents for a reason, and it’s up to us to decide how to use those talents for good and to help others. One of my favourite Bible verses is 1 Timothy 4:8, which says, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” This verse is important to me because it emphasizes the value of discipline in all aspects of life. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without discipline, and my training for these events over the past few years has reinforced this belief. Living a life that honours God through how we treat others and what we do with the talents we’ve been given has guided me to be a better teacher, father, husband, friend, and, in this case, runner.

One of my most memorable experiences at Heritage College has been watching students succeed in activities I’m passionate about, such as mountain biking. It’s incredibly rewarding to see students who start with little confidence and basic skills grow into competent and confident bikers.

Words of Wisdom

To the Heritage College community, my advice is simple: be disciplined in everything you do. You will be amazed at what you can achieve when you are consistent. Most of us are just cruising through life in first gear, and you will never know what you are truly capable of unless you are disciplined. This could mean committing to spending 10 minutes every morning reading a chapter in the Bible or praying daily for those who need it the most. Whatever it is, do it consistently, and you will see positive changes in your life.

Reuben Sleight’s journey is a testament to the power of discipline, faith, and perseverance. He continues to inspire those around him, both through his work at Heritage College and his dedication to running and physical fitness.