Heritage College operates a private bus service covering most of the local area for Primary and Secondary students. Students are collected near their home and driven to the Narre Warren South Campus and back again at the end of the school day. Students travelling on the bus are expected to behave in a manner that shows courtesy to others and respect for property and for safety.
School Holiday Basketball Camp at Heritage College
Meet the cast of characters in the upcoming Primary School Production
Explore the opportunities available for your child with a personalised tour of the Early Learning Centre at Narre Warren South.
During your tour, you will meet with teaching staff from the Early Learning Centre to discuss the Christian Curriculum, classroom routines, Prep readiness and connections to campus
Heritage College Narre Warren South is strategically positioned in the City of Casey, one of the fastest growing metropolitan regions in Victoria. The centre provides programs for 3 and 4 Year Old children.
Enrolment at the Early Learning Centre
The Secondary Campus caters for students from Years 7 to 12, offering VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) and VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) programs.
Families of students enrolled in Year 6 completing their final year of Primary school at Heritage College are invited to participate in the Step into Secondary program.
Presentation Night marks the end of the academic year with awards presented across all Primary year levels.